The Power of Community

By Katrina Hawthorn

Katrina Hawthorn

How do you define a community?  What are the first few thoughts that come to mind?  These groups can be groups based on age, sexuality, career, interests, spirituality, city, beliefs, etc.   We all have multiple communities that we are a part of, and some that you might not even typically consider to be a “community.”

Community gives you the sense of belonging, friendship, purpose, togetherness, support, the list goes on and on.

I challenge you to make a list of all the communities you are in.   Okay, seriously go do it, and then come back and read the rest of this.

I hope you really made one!

Isn’t it amazing to see how connected we are? When I ask people to make a list and read it back to me, I love hearing some of the responses I get. Sometimes, I’m bummed out because I didn’t think of it myself. For example, did you write “family” on your list? The first time I did this, I didn’t even think to write that down. Sometimes, we are so used to family being its own major group we don’t classify it as a community. And when I say family, I don’t just mean your blood, but your chosen family too. 

Another community group I never thought of until someone else told me, is an online group. It’s 2020 people, we do not need to be together, to be together. Did that make sense? You get it, right? I mean that we have a whole virtual world at our fingertips, and an endless way to stay connected to others. 

Community is all about people!

Some have a very rigid understanding of community, and think that all it can be is “people living in the same place.” FALSE!

 A simple definition to community is, a feeling of association with others. These are people who share something in common with you. I bet, that a lot of you are a part of the Yoga Innovations community, and we are so happy to have you!

First, it helps shape our own identity. The communities we choose to be a part of can keep us grounded in our own roots. It can reminds us of what we value most and how to represent that in our day to day life. Often, when I am feeling unbalanced, I find that the best remedy is reconnecting to the community and the people in them to keep me positive and motivated.

Second, communities remind us that we are not alone. Sometimes, this world can make you feel very isolated and abandoned. Community is that friendly tap on the shoulder to bring you back to those who are on your side and rooting for you.

Lastly, community is that helping hand, that extra push you need, or a voice of wisdom. We all know the clichés such as “it takes a village” or “there’s no I in Team” and while you might be rolling your eyes at clichés, are they really that wrong? More often than not, it does take a lot of people to make something happen. Communities are there to uplift you and help you succeed in whatever way they can. They are also a part of our purpose. Most of the communities we are in, align with our values and beliefs. Which overall, gives us something to work towards and love.

In times of uncertainty or confusion reach out to your different communities. Lean on them for guidance and encouragement. Remember that the power of communities is strong and will positively influence your journey.

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you. Spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life” -Amy Poehler

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