Pep-Talks, Confidence, and Self-Love

By Katrina Hawthorne

“I learned a long time ago the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side.” Maya Angelou

Katrina Hawthorne

Have you ever given yourself a pep-talk in a bathroom mirror? Trying to convince yourself that “You can do this?” I know I have.

Have you ever lacked confidence, and wished there was something you could do to feel a little bit more comfortable in your own skin? I know I have.

Have you ever been extra hard on yourself, talked down about yourself, or felt that you are doing everything wrong? I. know. I. have.

So many of us have faced these situations, or ones similar. We often give such harsh criticism to ourselves and create negative energy. Why do we do that? Probably because it’s easier to believe the bad stuff then realize all the good we have to give to ourselves and others. It really comes down to just being a little bit kinder to ourselves. We have to send some self-love in our own direction just like we give love to the ones we hold close. 

Yoga does a really great job of teaching us how to be kind to our bodies and to our minds. It teaches us how to forgive ourselves when we fall out of a pose. It teaches us grace when we are having difficulty getting into a pose we could do yesterday but can’t today. It teaches us to accept our body for the way it is. Yoga lets you own yourself in its truest form, whatever that may be.

Sometimes it is easy to have self-love while in a yoga class. We give ourselves over to the asanas and the pranayama, and we let them work their magic. Giving ourselves that self-love outside of a class is the harder the part.

A simple solution is to connect to your body in the present moment. When you are heading down that path of struggle or negativity, stop, and connect to your body’s emotions. While it sounds like it should be a no brainer, it’s not, and you have to remind yourself to breathe. Take the time to let your body take in those deep breaths and slow everything down. 

Meditation is another great way to gain some self-love, and a multitude of other personal characteristics. Meditation is all about focusing on the self. And for someone looking to obtain some quality self care, meditation is a great place to start. It allows for some self reflection and connection to something you might be missing. Giving yourself that time to slow down the mind and find that relationship between yourself and your body. This might start putting you on the trail of giving yourself some compassion.

For some, the idea of meditation is stressful and impossible. People will say things such as, “I can’t sit still that long” or “How am I supposed to think about nothing?”  Some days it’s hard to do so. But usually, those are the days I need it most. There’s no set rules for meditating, you are in complete control. So, if you have to wiggle around to find a spot that’s comfortable, do it. If you have a pressing thought that keeps coming to the forefront of your brain, give it a moment, and then see if you can release it. If you can only give yourself 5 minutes of your day to meditate, that’s 5 minutes of putting yourself first to tune back in to your needs. 

Meditation doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it can be accomplished in 3 easy steps:

  1. Find a spot that is comfortable and relaxing. You can be sitting, standing, laying down, whatever works for you.
  2. Soften your gaze, or close your eyes completely.
  3. Breathe at a natural pace, and focus on how each inhale and exhale affects your body.

So maybe after taking a few deep breaths and giving yourself some room to grow, you will believe it the next time you give yourself a pep-talk in a bathroom mirror. You can own your body and feel comfortable just the way you are. And you can give yourself the benefit of the doubt, knowing you are working hard and doing your very best.

Join me for a 14 minute meditation.

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