Family Yoga, a life saver.

By Jen Palastro, Yoga Innovations Teacher Trainee 2020

After I had my first baby, I went back to my usual heated, intense power yoga class 5 weeks postpartum and left in tears thinking I would never be able to do yoga again. My body couldn’t do all of the things it used to be able to do; and I was so sweaty and tired.

How was I now  supposed to go home and feed my baby?  I knew she would want nursed as soon as I arrived (but I was sweaty and gross I probably couldn’t get my shirt off to feed!) I knew she would want held (yet I was so sore I didn’t think I could lift my arms). I thought my yoga practicing days were done – hey, I had a good 5 years in! 

Then I  had a friend tell me about a Mommy and Me Yoga class. The first thing I thought, aside from that feeling after the last class was – there is no way my baby is going to do yoga!

Well, I went and guess what- the kids don’t have to do every yoga move and neither do you! Family yoga is meant for you to spend time with your family, stretch, sing and play a little. Get a small workout- but not over stimulate you or your children.

I found my community in my mommy and me/ family yoga practice. It was there I got advice, encouragement, kindness and love from fellow parents. Together we supported one another; from celebrating births of new babies to coping with the loss of a pregnancy or other loved one. We shared the feeling of success of parenthood, watched a young one leave the mat to play with another and celebrated a baby sleeping through the night. We shared balancing the stress of parenthood and accepting the changes parenthood brings to both our body and mind.

Far left: Jen Palastro, YI teacher trainee 2020

This community kept me going. My children experienced their first time sitting up on their own and first time standing in the Yoga Innovations studio. I hope to keep this community alive. Yoga brought peace and balance into my life; which can be hard to find as a mother of two toddlers. It helped me find strength that I thought was lost.  

Missing actual face to face conversations with my fellow moms at the studio! Although we cannot see each other in person – join me in family yoga and together we can continue this culture of love and support for all. 

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