Happy 8th Birthday to us!

Today marks the 8th Anniversary of Yoga Innovations. We have had highs. We have had lows. Our journey has established a unique Mommy & Me program, became the first Kids Yoga School west of Philly, hosted Pittsburgh first women’s only nude yoga class, and has more budget friendly classes than any other yoga studio. We have pioneered this path and rode along knowing the challenges of then are victories of now.


I’ve always loved birthdays and anniversaries. Not only are they a special opportunity for celebration and fun times, but they are a time to pause and reflect. Yoga is a funny thing because it can be so fun and upbeat, and it can also be quiet and reflective. Sometimes it can even be heart-wrenching, evoking tears from seemingly nowhere. Why am I crying? All of the reasons, and also, all the reasons I do not know.

As the owner of YI, I’ve prepared a few posts for our community to celebrate turning eight. Take them as you will. Click the posts below to read:

Post 1 Reflection

Post 2 The Short Version of where YI began.

Post 3 Thank you.


Then come join us for a YI Birthday Party, because: PARTIES!  

I am the meat and potatoes, caffeine and chocolate kind of yogi. I like a good glass of wine as much as a good Om. Yoga has always played a significant role in supporting my athletic lifestyle. In college, I majored in business management with a focus on advertising and marketing. While working at an advertising agency in Boulder Colorado I learned a valuable lesson: “you must sell the truth of the product.” The truth of the matter was, there wasn’t anything I believed in enough to commit to selling. On top of a mountain, while skiing I confessed this dilemma to my husband. His response seemed so simple, so obvious “why don’t you own a yoga studio?” Finally, I had found a way to combine my two passions: business and yoga. The next natural step was to formally go through yoga teacher training. At Core Power Yoga in Denver Colorado I received my 200 hour certification in Power Flow and Bikram styles; in addition, to children's yoga and prenatal. Then, after teaching and living in PA, Dana Barone offered me the opportunity of a lifetime: to become the new owner of Yoga Innovations. In 2012, we celebrated the birth of our first daughter, as well as the new business venture. Fast forward to two kiddos and lots of years later I still look forward to continuing to build the yoga culture in the south hills and sharing the passion I have for the practice- and maybe a tip or two on the juggling act we call life.

One Comment

  1. Tchadinfos
    11 hours ago

    Thank you so much hun!xx


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