Teen Yoga (Not currently scheduled)

Coming back soon!

Who this class is good for: Everyone ages 12-17, from the klutz in the group to the starting quarterback, everyone.  A Power Flow Yoga class with current music that will increase strength, flexibility and build endurance and concentration.

No pre-registration needed.  Drop into any class.  $12/student or use our Karma Pass for the best price.

BUT if you know you want to come and want to save your spot email us and let us know your first and last name email and phone number!

There are 3 comments on this post

  1. Owen Dale
    12 hours ago

    I am still interested in teen yoga if the class ever comes back. I enjoyed it!

  2. Melinda Sinkule
    16 hours ago

    interested in teen yoga and/or meditation classes for my daughters.

  3. Sandra Reiman
    11 hours ago

    I’m interested in teen yoga pls. I’d like an email notification when it returns. Thanks


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